About Us
Impact To The Society
Mission & Vision
SACIA Initiative goal is to support the local children, youths and women through capacity building activities. This is to equip them with knowledge, skills, and networks that help them access biomedical and social services that will improve their sexual health.
SACIA Initiative mission is to improve the quality of life of the local communities through sustainable local development initiatives in Kenya.
SACIA Initiative mission is to improve the quality of life of the local communities through sustainable local development initiatives in Kenya.
Our Objectives
- To improve the health of adolescents including psychological, sexual and reproductive health by providing GBV and HIV prevention services.
- Strengthening mental health especially for children affected by HIV/Aids in Kenya
- Women economic empowerment by tapping into socio-economic activities that can generate revenue for women
- Basic education - Watoto Waelimike project ( Support retention, progression and completion of basic